Our Story

Our purpose:

Preach the truth - The Gospel of Grace
According to the vision given to us by God, The Gospel of Christ Church was established on February 17th, 2019. The purpose of The Gospel of Christ Church is to reveal the love of God through the Gospel of grace, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world, and the children of God. As Jesus said “know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Since then, by the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, we have been preaching the truth, the gospel of Christ, so everyone will come to know God intimately and experience the glory of God the total deliverance and abundant life in every area of life while on earth.

Salvation of Our People:

According to 1 Timothy 2:3-4, it is the will of God for all men and women to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Everyone shall hear the gospel, be saved and be planted in the kingdom of God. This is the burden that God has placed in our hearts. God has spoken to us regarding this and established the Gospel of Christ Church for this purpose. God has graciously opened our eyes and has revealed the truth about the Gospel of grace, and to be partakers of the end-time revival. As promised by God we shall see glorious things that God has already prepared. The same God that led us thus far for the past 30 plus years is also faithful to guide us continually in fulfilling His desire for His Kingdom. We trust that God will bless the church, the people, and the ministries that He has so graciously entrusted us with. To God alone, we give all glory and praise, He alone is worthy of it all.